One Step Closer

Let me begin this update with an apology. I am sorry I haven't posted anything in months. The simple fact of the matter is that there was no news to report, nothing to update. I was in a holding pattern waiting for a letter which would open the door for me to apply to go to Spain. Let me explain a bit so we're all on the same page. 

First of all, if your confused, thinking, "but, I thought she was going to the Canary Islands, not Spain", you are correct. I am planning to go work with the Tenerife church in the Canary Islands. And though the Canary Islands are located just off the coast of Morocco (Africa), they just happen to be governed by Spain. So, to get a visa to live in the Canary Islands I need to petition it from Spain.

Now, let me explain the letter. For those of you who live in the USA, you may have heard of a sponsorship letter for immigration purposes. In Spanish this is also known as a letter of invitation, written by an entity (in my case, a church) registered with the government of the country of destination (Spain). The church in Tenerife is new and was just beginning the legal registration process when that pandemic you may have heard of shut everything down. So, I have been looking for another church to sponsor me. Through a bit of networking, God provided a solution, but there was a timing issue. Governments are known for moving slowly and I had to be patient. 

In the meantime, I was able to attend ICOM in Columbus, Ohio. It was a great time to reconnect with old friends and make a few new ones. 

I always enjoy any chance I get to hang out with my IberoAmerican colleagues. Chad Courtney came to Ecuador a couple of times to teach an institute class and looked into recruiting missionaries to go to Sierra Leone. Scott Wallace travelled to Ecuador many times to teach institute classes and even brought a team from PNW that held a week of medical clinics. Also, Brian Ridenour and his son were able to drop in from Tacna, Peru. I got to meet the whole Ridenour clan when they visited Ecuador a few years ago. It was great to catch up with all the guys.

As I waited for the letter, I also needed to raise support. I've been able to visit a few churches to share about the work in the Canary Islands. 

If you, your church or even someone you had coffee with last week would be interested supporting me through prayer and/or giving, please contact me! I would love to chat with them! 

One of my favorite things is to share how God is transforming lives around the world! I get excited to share and others get excited and become more aware of God working around them, too!

Ok, so back to that letter that I waited so long for ... I finally got it! And now comes everything else. 

I'm working on getting background checks for the past 5 years, which includes Ecuador. I need a medical certificate from my GP declaring that I will not be a drain on the Spain's medical system. Then I get to certify and translate all the documents. I trust the one from Ecuador won't require translation. On top of my paper stack, just under my passport photo, goes the five-page visa application form and I turnover everything in duplicate for the interview at the Spanish consulate in Chicago. And I hope to have all the details worked out to move sometime this summer.

Do I seem overwhelmed? I am. 

Quite a bit, actually. 

And then, I remember something important: 
1. God called me. He is powerful, sovereign, and faithful. He has orchestrated the timing every step and he won't stop now.
2. He is my provider, not people, not churches, not me using just the right persuasive words. He works through people and churches to bring about his goodness. But I won't forget the generosity is his. 

And I am grateful to the Orchestrator and Provider for carrying me through the struggles, for sharpening me through fellowship and teaching, for entrusting me, not only with the vision of going, but for opening the doors and continuing to lead me every step of the way.

Thank you, friend, for reading this through. For being one of my cheerleaders along the way.

If you have a moment, drop me a line in the comments below. I'd love to know how you are doing, too!


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