Birthday Full of Blessings


I am a year older and wiser than the last time I wrote. (I know you can tell just by how I expressed myself so eloquently in that opening sentence.) I have lots of great news to share! I'm just not sure where to start... So, I'll work my way backwards from most recent.

You may recognize the lovely face of Bri in the picture above. She came to visit me from San Antonio, Texas! She was nervous to travel to tornado alley (I am currently in Carl Junction which is in the southwest corner of Missouri) in the spring, but God kept her safe and the skies clear. For those who don't know Bri, she was my sister-in-arms through the last two years I was in Ecuador, through a pandemic and our missions team imploding and God's beautiful restoration and preservation of his work in Ecuador. It was so fun to share life again for a few days. One day I took her around SW Missouri. The next day I took her to see SE Kansas. And the last day we visited NW Arkansas with my folks. It was a whirlwind of exploration, but nary a tornado in sight. (See what I did there?)

The second bit of good news is that I now have both background checks (the last five years of my life span life in the US and Ecuador), the US one has been translated and both now have the famous apostille (it's an international legalization certificate that the US doesn't easily provide)! Thanks to all of you who have been praying for that. I'm now waiting to hear back from the consulate in Chicago with an appointment and further instructions. Prayers still appreciated for a quick appointment and that all the documentation will be approved!

The third bit of news is that I have raised enough financial pledges to meet over 75% of my monthly budget. This means I have enough to go! As soon as I have my visa stamped in my passport.

A big thank you to all the churches and individuals who have helped me get this far through your prayers and donations. I am so grateful that God has provided even the airfare and moving costs to get to Tenerife this summer.

News from the Tenerife church

The church in Tenerife celebrated Mother's Day this past Sunday. I guess Mother's day is on the first Sunday in May rather than the second like in the US. The kids' Sunday School class prepared a special skit to celebrate their moms. And the church gifted them with roses. I have shared special moments with many of these ladies and it is beautiful to see them honored. I am excited to share life with them again soon.

Until next time,



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