One Step Closer
Let me begin this update with an apology. I am sorry I haven't posted anything in months. The simple fact of the matter is that there was no news to report, nothing to update. I was in a holding pattern waiting for a letter which would open the door for me to apply to go to Spain. Let me explain a bit so we're all on the same page. First of all, if your confused, thinking, "but, I thought she was going to the Canary Islands, not Spain", you are correct. I am planning to go work with the Tenerife church in the Canary Islands. And though the Canary Islands are located just off the coast of Morocco (Africa), they just happen to be governed by Spain. So, to get a visa to live in the Canary Islands I need to petition it from Spain. Now, let me explain the letter. For those of you who live in the USA, you may have heard of a sponsorship letter for immigration purposes. In Spanish this is also known as a letter of invitation, written by an entity (in my case, a church) regi...