Adjusting... Adjusting... 123
Tough times make us relatable Today is my 117th day in Tenerife (don't worry, I'm not keeping track, I just asked Google... hehehe), and I'm happy to say that the shiny newness hasn't worn off yet. That doesn't mean that I'm struggling to find my way, or that I'm not struggling in any way. In fact, I had a tough moment a couple of weeks ago when I got a text from my 10 year old nephew asking me to pray for him because he had Flu A and his nose was bleeding all over the place and it was only 7 am (Missouri time). I wanted to be able to go hug him and pray with him and help him feel better. I know his parents and even grandparents are there for him. But in that moment, I felt the distance to be so far and I may have shed a couple tears as I prayed for more than just his bloody nose. I'm not going to philosophize or wax poetic about the beauty of the nostalgia of being far from loved ones, but it is a blessing to have loved ones near and far. In fact, ever...